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Home About Us Director's Message

Director's Message

Dr. S K Bhasin
The aim and purpose of education is to inculcate the power of reasoning among the students. Real education enables one to understand what is good or bad which enables one to stand on one's own feet. In the words of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore, "The great task of education is not merely to collect facts but to know man and to make oneself known to man."

In the words of Swami Vivekananda, "Education is not a matter of degrees or titles or social positions. Only the man who sees the same self in every one is truly educated, the one who understands the essence of a human being has truly learnt something. All other degrees and titles are worthless."

Mata Sheela Devi Des Raj Luthra Educational Society is striving hard to propagate the high morals and teaching of Ocean of knowledge & learning, Maharishi Ved Vyas ji, who had the vision & wisdom to plan for marching ahead. With his divine blessing, our educational institutions are fast progressing and are sure to make a mark and acquire a unique status in the near future. The society believes in quality education and not in quantity as Education is the chief defense of a nation and disciplined youth is the backbone of any country.

Education does not mean simply teaching people what they do not know, rather it should mean teaching them to behave as they do not behave. Education is what makes a man, a man in the real sense. It dispels the darkness and leads him to light of knowledge.

We believe that our institutes are workshops where raw minds are molded and shaped. These are nurseries where small sapling are nourished and raised to be transplanted into colleges, universities and business houses. We are doing this humble duty to the best of our intentions and capabilities. Like a conscientious gardener, we take every care so that each and every bud planted in our nursery blooms into healthy, rich and precious plant. We only hope that our young students serve not only themselves but their families, their community and the whole nation. To make this dream reality, we provide quality education based on moral values and ethics. We attempt to promote the overall development of the youth to enable them to be successful in life.

Under the patronage of worthy chairman and devotional hard work of members of the faculty, the institutes are progressing by leaps and bounds, but there is always a scope for improvement. Post graduate courses (M.Tech) in CSE, ECE have been started from session 2012-2013 and in Mechanical Engineering w.e.f. 2013-2014.The achievements of institutes are laudable in academic as well as cultural fields. Under the mature guidance of organizers, the groups of institutions have acquired a unique position and it is sure to take strides in the near future. To serve such a group of institutions is indeed a proud privilege.

Dr. S K Bhasin
Maharishi Ved Vyas Group of Institutions